A Qualified Opportunity Zone Fund (QOZF)

The Buckeye OZ Fund converts rural land in OZ areas to income-producing properties that support sustainable highly-profitable OZ businesses. Staying ahead of growth and development, the Independent Concepts team are beyond fund professionals, they are community builders. The investment into recreational land and tourism business are naturally low risk and high yield assets like RV Camping, offroad vehicle rentals/tours, and old west themed parks and venues. (Land preservation is an indirect benefit to the development projects proposed)


Our Mission

Creating Glampgrounds out of GhostTowns utilitzing the Opportunity Zone Program to attract property owners and investors into HIGH YEILD TAX FREE Growth development opportunities.

The Fund Vision

Accelerate profitability of outdoor hospitality assets through full capital utilization. Increase profit margins through decreased costs with higher price points. Provide economic development projects that generate jobs and community development.

The OZ Advantage

Low to Moderate income areas are easier to buy, develop and accelerate to profitability based on the assets inherent components. The bonus to investors and communiti4es provides amazing growth for both.

Investing in the Future

Economic Growth
High Potential ROI
Radical Opportunity
Community Growth
Economic Impact

Why Buckeye OZ Fund

Hotel – Class B
Glampground – Class A
$2 – $5 Million
Under $1 Million
Building Cost
$60,000 per unit
$10,000 per unit
Operation Expense
30% – 40% of Gross Income
10% – 15% of Gross Income
Average IRR
8% Return

Buckeye OZ Fund core organization has over 25 years as developers and construction contractors. 

3rd party allocation companies keeping real-time tracking of every investment dollar. 

Accredited investors using Capital Gains dollars will enjoy a capital gains tax vacation upon exit. 

By investing your money into outdoor hospitality, BOZF can mitigate the risk across several businesses and developments in the portfolio as opposed to the “ALL of Nothing” fund holding 1 or 2 traditional hospitality assets. 

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